Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ruling class warfare

The TEA (Taxed Enough Already)Party of 2010 created a Republican landslide all throughout the state governments and the House of Representatives, but they didn't get a majority of TEA Party members.

If you consider that the Ruling-Class Democrats still own the White House, the Senate and that half the Republicans in the House of Representatives are either part of the ruling class or aspire to be members then you begin to see why nothing has changed.

We see a lot of hot rhetoric, but the numbers haven't moved. The continuing resolution passed the House after spending cuts of only $62 Billion, which upon further examination was revealed to be $32 Billion and then after the bill was really put under the micro-scope, it came out that the real number was closer to $300 million.

While there was a move to cut spending, cap spending, and vote on a balanced budget amendment, it was clear that the Ruling Class Republicans were telegraphing that they were only going through the motions. They had to give the base some red meat, but they were not going to really put up a fight, they were not going to go all the way and just go back to the alternative which is to not raise the debt ceiling.

What would not raising the debt ceiling do?

1 It would force everyone to stop spending on everything but the most critical priorities.

2 By limiting all spending to priorities we would be able to go line by line through the budget and say hmmm, war in Libya? Not a priority. Social Security checks, pay 'em! Check to Planned Parenthood? Denied! Military pay? Pay the man! Salaries for congress, and so forth? Denied! Programs for medical care for the aged and disabled? Pay it! Budgets for agencies that don't show up to work on "snow days" cut them to the bone or get rid of them!

You get the idea how a prioritization would go. now how about if spending isn't prioritized? Check to Obama's cronies in Planned Parenthood? Obama's man will pay that first; same thing with ACORN. In fact all of the spending that is unpopular with the American people will happen first so that when the money runs out Obama can actually say that cuts in spending will hit the neediest the most.

This is not true now though; we could stop all spending until all spending is prioritized, or we can continue to run up spending for programs that at best do not help the poor or the needy. This means bigger debt now and less for the real poor and needy later. So anyone who cares about the poor and needy is for cutting spending now.

What about just raising taxes on the rich? Well first of all taxes are never increased on the politically connected because they are able to get special treatment from their cronies in office. They get loopholes, they get special contracts, and they get regulations that favor them over their competition. Next after a certain point the more you raise taxes the less you get, and partly that is because you ruin the economy and without a strong economy you cannot fund this level of spending.

The politically connected and their buddies in office, by which I mean the DC establishment or "Ruling Class" need the spending to be so big that it can't all be tracked so they can hide the amounts they are funneling to their cronies. This is why all their posturing is all talk. Big Government is their family business model. Until we really engage in class warfare against the "Ruling Class we will never get to the root of the problem.

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