Saturday, August 27, 2011

Libertarians are liberals who don't like paying taxes

Libertarians are liberals who don't like taxes and regulations.Liberalism and libertarianism are both based on radical autonomy. If you presume radical autonomy then between liberals and libertarians the libertarians win every time.

However libertarianism will never work because when all the folks who made bad choices, and there will be more of them when bad choices are legal, when all those folks are at the point where they are supposed to be suffering as a result of their bad choices, starving to death and what not, they will not hold up their end of the bargain.

First of all the type of people who make bad choices are not the type of people who hold up their end of the bargain. This is because people who hold up their end are much less likely to make bad choices because they looked at the choice from that point of view from the beginning.

Next you have to realize that right now we have a lot of folks who only do the right thing because the law compels them or because social pressure compels them. Take away the laws and the social pressure will soon follow it "What? There's no law against it!"

So all summer long the ants will be producing and the grasshopper mob will be playing and then fall will come and the ants will be laughing to themselves at how wise they were to lay in a store for the winter, then when winter actually comes the grasshoppers will form into gangs and storm the anthill for provisions.

So how are liberals the same? Well first of all it is important to realize that liberals look at taxes a bit differently. First of all many of them who make good money just don't pay all their taxes; they either cheat outright and figure if they get caught they will pay up, or they get loopholes designed so that all their competitors pay much more. Another group gets their money from government and are fine with paying taxes on money they don't really earn.

Liberals simply position themselves to benefit from high taxes. They also need high taxes to pay for the welfare state which is how they keep the grasshoppers from storming the, well I was going to say anthill, but liberals are not producers. They tax the anthill and keep the ants in line by threatening their anthill will mobs of grasshoppers.

So basically liberals are smarter than libertarians because the libertarian ant, who believes in radical autonomy, but calls it rugged individualism, works his butt off thinking of all he is going to store up for winter, but the liberal termite simply waits until winter and then tell the ant that the majority has voted for high taxes and generous welfare and that he will now distribute the rich ants wealth to the grasshoppers.

Of course the termite is an important leader who has to fly around in a private jet stocked with free drinks and caviar, and have state dinners with expensive food and wine, with the best medical care and on and on.

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